Protecting from Market Downturns with the Power of Protactical™

For most 401(k) participants, your work-sponsored retirement plan will most likely provide the majority of your income and livelihood throughout your retirement. Therefore, protecting that money should be your number one investment priority.

The implications of loss on the principal value of your 401(k) plan can seriously jeopardize your future retirement plans. For this reason, 401K GPS has developed a system which will help protect your 401(k) from large market downturns, and participate in market advances to help you reach your retirement goals. Of course there is no guarantee that our signals will be correct every time; however, we will make every effort to protect you in down market cycles.

Below is a chart that shows the real-time long term buy and sell signals for the S&P 500 since 2000. Historically, markets have exhibited further declines from each long term sell signal and advanced after long term buy signals. Adjusting your risk tolerance (generally your exposure to equities) in market downturns can add significant value to your portfolio over full market cycles.

Disclaimer: The illustration above indicates where the 401K GPS system would have triggered intra-quarter signals, but does not reflect the actual investment performance of any clients of 401K GPS or its affiliates. Every 401K GPS participant and corresponding risk profile will achieve different and unaudited results.