Frequently Asked 401K GPS Questions

Q. Can I Test 401K GPS Before Making a Commitment?

A. YES! If you are not completely satisfied, please contact us at or call toll free at 855.225.4986 within 30 days of your confirmed sign up. Your credit card will be reimbursed within 14 business days.

Q. What Types of Retirement Plans Are Eligible for 401K GPS?

A. Almost all types of employer-sponsored work retirement plans are eligible.
The most common types are:

  • 401(k) plans
  • 403b plans
  • 457 plans
  • SEP-IRAs, SIMPLE IRAs & other small-business plans
  • Federal Thrift Savings plans

Our 401K GPS team provides investment advice for each of these plans and for any other defined contribution plans your employer offers. We cannot provide advice for defined benefit plans (like pensions) because employers invest the money held in these plans without employee input.

Q. What Are My Particular Work Retirement Plan's Investment Options?

A. Since your retirement plan does not provide us a list of your investment options, you have to provide that information when you sign up. You will have the ability online, via fax or email to list the funds available within your retirement plan. If your plan expands or alters your available investment options, you can send us an updated list of your plan options via fax or email, or make the changes directly to your account profile.

We also work with a large number of plans that do not offer publicly traded funds, so we have the resources and experience to deal with these plans. However, to ensure that we make the appropriate recommendations, we ask that you provide additional information about your funds when you register. The literature your company has given you should provide past performance history, such as one-, three- and five-year performance. Please include that for us in addition to a list of the funds available.

If you have any questions or concerns, contact one of our representatives at 855.225.4986 and we can advise you on the best way to find the appropriate fund information.

Q. How Often Will I Receive 401K GPS Investment Recommendations?

A. 401K GPS will provide you with an initial investment recommendation upon joining, based on your confidential investor risk profile and your retirement plan's available fund options. You will receive emailed communications from us every 3 months with adjusted buy, sell or hold strategies. You may also receive emergency intra-quarter communications from our 401K GPS team with timely, market-driven recommendations based on significant economic events or market corrections.

Q. Is My Account Information Secure?

A. Absolutely. We use the latest 128-bit encryption methods to keep your personal information safe. We also guarantee complete confidentiality and will not share your information with anyone without your express consent. For more information, please review our 401K GPS privacy policy.