About Us

401K GPS was founded by our executive and research team after finding that almost all of our clients needed assistance managing their 401K and other employee-sponsored retirement accounts. Given the inaccessibility of these work retirement plans to financial advisors, our team established 401K GPS to help individuals with this integral component of their retirement planning.

Through the insights and experience of the 401K GPS investment management team, we applied our proprietary Protactical™ approach, pioneered by Fortunatus Investments, to 401K management. We have successfully employed that strategy with our own clients for decades.


A Commitment to Our Members

In today’s global marketplace, it takes a combination of experience, expertise and communication to ensure consistent performance and a satisfied clientele. As an investment advisory firm, we take that same passion and commitment to excellence, and channel it toward every 401K GPS member account.

We know that retirement plan investing can often be a complex, overwhelming endeavor... At 401K GPS, we'll help you navigate through your 401K options to reach your target retirement goal with confidence and peace of mind.